Monday, July 7, 2014

The Dilemma......

       " I am not like the others , I don't follow what others do ...." , " If I do this I might lose this/that " etc etc.

Being a middle class family boy, we always tend to think many times before taking any decision .Cause the advantage behind this is : We the middle class people have big dreams behind everything we do & the dis-advantage is : If the decision or chance gets exhausted  or not works , then we will have no second chance to do it .

So , we use to take a safe way as its becomes our instinct (being belong to that class).

I can remember , I was in 1st or 2nd standard , a boy utters less , whispers more , was said , that the " kids of same age ,who lives in surroundings are  illiterate & manner-less  kids,so , stay in home else don't mess with those kids ". I was like , " Ya they are truly different from me", wrapped my hands , I took a step behind .

Later on , all these went around in my thought process . The questions arose around my head : " If I spend time with them , will that really harm me ? ...they are enjoying their childhood at the fullest , why don't I do it ? .....

But we can't get answers of these questions , as its a cold war between " Instinct & Sole " . So, the dilemma continues.....

Passed 7-8 years , became youth , get to know new things , got new ways of thinking supported by contemporary knowledge of the society .The more I get to know ,the more contradiction appears.

At that stage we have very certain things stays in our bucket of thinking ...... Less Study , More Dressing Fantasy .... Hangout , & yes ... Date a Girl ..( Hot topic among the friends)...

The biggest question arouse : How to pose myself in front of new people I face ? I might get the ans from a normal mindset but again the question got the old root , "My Instinct " ,as meanwhile the transition period of Childhood to Youth , we are told many of " Gyans.." ..."Beta !! Ye hamara culture hai, hume aisa karna chahiye ...... hamara ijjat tumhare haat hai " & all..
So, I can't do what I wan't to do...... Dilemma..

Passed HS, on Graduation .... 1 st day .... Class full of Guys & Girls..... lil'e shy , little feared ...

I was said " Stay in good circle ......don't make frndship with drug addicted boys .....& all " .....
So, task was , I need   to have friends , but with the said condition ...... again a new dilemma....

With Yes /No mental contradiction ,....Mate some one, good friendship....converted to a relationship.... Time passed  ....things became more serious..... & seriousness pulled the trigger ....

We promised each other .....but the scene was......different cast , different status & yes !! different age ! ..... All together , set a different deal to handle.....

"Ya .... We'll be together ,no matter the whatever the situation exists...."...... Now the questions....

"Shall I defend my love or defend the Instinct ,where entire family stands  ? "..

God damm !! ........Frustrated..! thought about supplementary ways  (known as addictions) ... So, the scene was a Cross Dilemma.......

All over... life is full of  surprises with new twists but the Dilemma still continues......

If I would have done this/that.....the scene would have been different....bla ..bla ..bla....... It Continues !!!!!! 

                                                                                                ............Siddhartha Gope

Monday, July 29, 2013

Daily Operations.....

Few things or activities, in the entire world has a massive / explosive consequences, 
when these actually happens ; such as breaking of a serious relationships, a big loss in any investment etc.,... 
continuing the same list, I would love to add  another content, namely, Negative Productivity of Daily Works in Official or Personal works.

De-motivation leads to Less moral of our Enthu. or our working mind for those concerned dimensions .
The system of "getting result at end of the day", follows everywhere you go,in-case of you working under some one or in a organization. When you working hard, you expect that u'll have some output of that & this is rationale, though we know that we should not think about the result, but  actually ,it makes us optimistic.

Now, if 20-30% productive output comes from your hard work then you are done, u have everything to work in same pace for tomorrow but, if, the productivity at the end of the day stays @0, then whatever valuable time you have spent for it, would be counted as a big ZERO.

As a consequence,you'll have every negative aspects around you, say; you'll be complained by your senior colleagues or bosses, most importantly ,u'll lose your daily plans for sure.

The most concerning part is : Whatever going through the day,will effect on your personal life because it is very obvious fact that when you are giving your best,you have your full consent behind that. Now the point is,when you are giving your best & not getting the expected  outcome ,somewhere you'll feel that "I need a way to go further" & it totters through your mind ,until you get what you deserve.

So,only meditation to over-come the issue is: Try to differentiate your Personal & Professional Life; took your office stuff in office & enjoy your personal life with your Friends & Family & they will boost you for your work directly or indirectly..... 

                                                                               ............Siddhartha Gope

Friday, May 31, 2013

From Office Desk.....

Now,its time to take a corporate drive,...formally attired the Laptop & got polished....all set & done,, we go.......

The journey got started with Sigma Insights  ,the fuel tank got loaded by Enthu.,energy & a high state of optimism & confidence.

Initially ,a high level of interaction with the industry veterans, gradually huge pressure of inferiority was going through the mind, even it became so difficult to give a intro.Uttering a word with soft voice was taking me to the verge of inferiority........

However,these days taught me a lot,supported by some intellectual & situational guide of my senior colleagues.

We can gain experience from every second ,if we want so.....

We use to hear that ,just do your job without thinking of the result,.....its pretty applicable to mine too....
Received praise of my performance from top mgmnt, but yes,verbally.....

But biggest challenge is to continue the momentum ......its a big deal.....coz, there are a lots of psychological constraints, which will try to bound us & it actually does......

So, my lesson is: just keep moving .........

                                                                              ............Siddhartha Gope


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Its really a tough time,standing on the verge of the true exposure in  corporate,where close frnds too takes reverse way like enemy for these tough/valuable time,room mate also stays unknown what the partner is actually going through, call from another college friends & a straight question on the topic,,,
yes it is "The Final Placement".

This is the point,where a midiokar student face critical thinking in every second about the fact what would be right strategies to crack the processes, 
a strong  academic & communicative background thinks about the right option to choose,but both the category comes under the same umbrella,to join a branded company,though the strong end candidate does it mostly.

A point of de-motivating thinking comes when u woke up early morning ,got bath & groomed up properly,made the preparation & ready to go for the process, knowing the fact that u have around 3 hours of journey ahead,u eat nothing,consoled ur heart that "If I feel hungry ,will take something on the way" ,
U reached there in next 3 hours ,the most awaited time came,u sit for the process & got rejected  in next 10 minutes.....
Now what would be the situation around u, u have already a quite long journey & the same route of 3 hrs yet to go  ..............?????

To be very frank,what ever we console our-self that the best move would be to accept the fact &try for the next,,,we cant make it at all,,,& for the moment ,u'll feel .."Lag gayi yaar".....& most of us try to illustrate some negative aspect of the profile or company though actually those are not yet valid points,,but it gives a strength to come back from there............
"In Tough Times,we use to forget 'what the actual situation is' ,& we can't stand on our expectations.For some,who are very much practical oriented & self-motivated, the expectations stands at its place or  goes higher & for some,who are with opposite dimension ,expectations comes down ,& all these happens on,'what exact quality they have"

                                                                     -----Siddhartha Gope

Monday, October 29, 2012

From Corporate End.....

Its a new direction of future ,a tough but a felicitous end of one who work hard,not a luck driven one, a platform to achieve your desire or a end where irony of fate drives to dis-satisfaction & frustration ,a easy way to block the window & ruin your life is called Corporate life.

All the expected outcomes are time driven,here you can form your speech,but couldn't be allowed to throw in the field.Every second are presenting themselves as a new direction.

Every seconds ,minutes & hours need to be judged at extreme level of evaluation,is the only way of get rid of it.  

You can't believe a word spoken out from the corporate person,until the conversation is being concluded in a documentary format.
For a sales executive,its a very rare fact that he/she is greeted well in corporate,if it so,then also,there might be a vague cover of fake greeting.So,all these fact comes in blood of a sales executive.

If you incorporate your hand with a big bag of deals,you worth to every single person involve around you as well as company but ,if,the scene is reverse,you worth to no one.
Such an environment is the most awkward moment,you have ever faced, in a certain point, you might face question within yourself about your abilities.

So.from the Selling Background,the key point is a big conversion,which would decide your "Abilities in Corporate" or your "forth-coming future" or "luck" ,whether you're going to jump on feet & cheers for it or curse your luck & all ,involve there,with your abusive languages.  

                                                                            ---------Siddhartha Gope

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Lazy Dream......

A Ring turn  the virtual thoughts off...

Exam heading off at the very next morning,thought, the preparation will be covered up with in the last evening, but the entire evening  gone in futile by a short but ataraxis sleep of 3:50 hr .Just after a refreshment break, thought to take the lessons upto midnight but at that genious time,a virtual world came  & took me to the world of "Fairy Land" .
Suddenly a Call Ring......"Dimak ki Batti Jal Gayi"
..........woke up,thought to take a refreshment & take the lessons for tomorrow's paper .........., but the Lazy Dream took me to her favour & gave me a strength of thinking to take the tomorrow's preparation after 2-3 hours....................

I ,again landed in the Virtual land & these fairy dreams covered me all away & took my 4:20 hr from the schedule,,,,, Again a Ring......made me realize that I am in bed, & have to study for the Paper heading off  in next 8 hours..

But again The Lazy Dream done her job & gave me a suggestion that "Abhi to 8 Ghante Hein.....Lets come".

Again I made the move to go with them & I got busy in my Unconscious Virtual world, there is no Paper, No hurry to take food or other works.........

Again a Call was 12:20 p.m & the paper was at study ,No preparation......a dull moment .Just looking at the watch,,,,,he was also rude to me.....was looking at me & keep on doing his job.."Tikk..Tokk" ,,,,"Tikk ...Tokk"

My Lazy Dream took me all away from study........................

                                                                                                             ---------Siddhartha Gope

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Its very chaos  to create  a starting note of a long journey ,lots of thoughts ,plans,designs messing up each other & finally got a vision.Lets freshen up our soul by avoiding those lousy gathering of the busy world with the help of fresh air of trees & transparent ray of Sun.........

Fact says ,If we walk between trees ,only we enjoy the adventure.
.........but both side adventures exists unused truth.
As we feel trees are standing at our both side & we are stepping further between them....
The same fact exists at the trees side,they feel adventurous by counting faces moving around their surrounding & tries to serve their best to the strangers by converting  the heated rays of Sun into Sheds & smooth breezes.

......Convert a stranger into dearest one with in some "Tick tock" of watch.......

   My Father Says:

                "Keep patience & it will always worth you & serve you the best which includes   exponent to face all the uncertainties" 

                                                                                            -----Siddhartha Gope