Friday, May 31, 2013

From Office Desk.....

Now,its time to take a corporate drive,...formally attired the Laptop & got polished....all set & done,, we go.......

The journey got started with Sigma Insights  ,the fuel tank got loaded by Enthu.,energy & a high state of optimism & confidence.

Initially ,a high level of interaction with the industry veterans, gradually huge pressure of inferiority was going through the mind, even it became so difficult to give a intro.Uttering a word with soft voice was taking me to the verge of inferiority........

However,these days taught me a lot,supported by some intellectual & situational guide of my senior colleagues.

We can gain experience from every second ,if we want so.....

We use to hear that ,just do your job without thinking of the result,.....its pretty applicable to mine too....
Received praise of my performance from top mgmnt, but yes,verbally.....

But biggest challenge is to continue the momentum ......its a big deal.....coz, there are a lots of psychological constraints, which will try to bound us & it actually does......

So, my lesson is: just keep moving .........

                                                                              ............Siddhartha Gope


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