Saturday, September 15, 2012

Its very chaos  to create  a starting note of a long journey ,lots of thoughts ,plans,designs messing up each other & finally got a vision.Lets freshen up our soul by avoiding those lousy gathering of the busy world with the help of fresh air of trees & transparent ray of Sun.........

Fact says ,If we walk between trees ,only we enjoy the adventure.
.........but both side adventures exists unused truth.
As we feel trees are standing at our both side & we are stepping further between them....
The same fact exists at the trees side,they feel adventurous by counting faces moving around their surrounding & tries to serve their best to the strangers by converting  the heated rays of Sun into Sheds & smooth breezes.

......Convert a stranger into dearest one with in some "Tick tock" of watch.......

   My Father Says:

                "Keep patience & it will always worth you & serve you the best which includes   exponent to face all the uncertainties" 

                                                                                            -----Siddhartha Gope

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