Monday, July 29, 2013

Daily Operations.....

Few things or activities, in the entire world has a massive / explosive consequences, 
when these actually happens ; such as breaking of a serious relationships, a big loss in any investment etc.,... 
continuing the same list, I would love to add  another content, namely, Negative Productivity of Daily Works in Official or Personal works.

De-motivation leads to Less moral of our Enthu. or our working mind for those concerned dimensions .
The system of "getting result at end of the day", follows everywhere you go,in-case of you working under some one or in a organization. When you working hard, you expect that u'll have some output of that & this is rationale, though we know that we should not think about the result, but  actually ,it makes us optimistic.

Now, if 20-30% productive output comes from your hard work then you are done, u have everything to work in same pace for tomorrow but, if, the productivity at the end of the day stays @0, then whatever valuable time you have spent for it, would be counted as a big ZERO.

As a consequence,you'll have every negative aspects around you, say; you'll be complained by your senior colleagues or bosses, most importantly ,u'll lose your daily plans for sure.

The most concerning part is : Whatever going through the day,will effect on your personal life because it is very obvious fact that when you are giving your best,you have your full consent behind that. Now the point is,when you are giving your best & not getting the expected  outcome ,somewhere you'll feel that "I need a way to go further" & it totters through your mind ,until you get what you deserve.

So,only meditation to over-come the issue is: Try to differentiate your Personal & Professional Life; took your office stuff in office & enjoy your personal life with your Friends & Family & they will boost you for your work directly or indirectly..... 

                                                                               ............Siddhartha Gope